How to Use Coupon in Google Adword


Google Adword is one of the biggest Advertising Service provider on the internet. If you own a business or want sell product or services,
Google Adword is the right place for you. Obviously is paid service but By advertising on Google Adword you will get a chance to reach your desire customer quickly and easily and Guarantee to boost your business for sure.

Google Adword Promotional coupons or Free voucher can be received from Google Adsense or your domain registrar or web hosting service provider. Purpose of this promotional coupon is to attract new advertisers.  This offer usefully have time period, you have to activate this promotional code within offer date.  Once you add this voucher in your Google Adword account you will get certain amount of Google Adword credit (Usually its Rs 2000 or $100) which you can spent it for advertisement on Google.

Following steps will show you how to add or use Adword coupon code.

1Login to Google Adword account.
2After login, click on the Gear box Use-Adword-Coupon04 from the top right hand side.

3Click on Billing > Transaction History > Manual Payments.


4Click on my promotions tab and enter your coupon code in "Add Promotional Code".


5Click on save to finish.
  • If you find an error like below:
You're not eligible for this promotional code for the following reasons: Your account is past the maximum age limit specified in the offer details.
Then, create new account for Adword. If you account is older than 14 days then Adword promotional coupon code will not accept.

That’s it, you have successfully add Adword promotional code. Add new ad campaign and you are ready to show your ads on Google.

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