How-to-Logout-Facebook-Messenger-02Do you want to logout from Facebook messenger from your android Mobile phone or any devices? Well, you cannot because there is no logout option in Facebook messenger like Facebook App. That means once you installed FM in your device then you cannot logout or use another Facebook account. Many users have more than one Facebook accounts and want to use it in same Android phone or devices. However you can still logout by using a trick. Alright, then below steps will show you how to logout from Facebook messenger.

Twitter card is an API [Application Program Interface ] developed by twitter team. Twitter card allows you to add media such as pictures, videos, pricing, products that link back to your post. It is obvious that follower click more on links with picture than simple text tweet. A preview post with image or video and with bold post title and little summary will  attract more visitor than traditional 140 character tweets. It is really easy to add to your blogger or wordpress website by simply adding few meta tag in your head section in HTML. Twitter card is fully automatic, once you add meta tags in you HTML it will automatically generate twitter card for your website. Whenever you publish a new post or someone re-tweet it will automatically generator or  attach twitter card with it.

Google plus is one of the popular social media on the internet and  probably one of the best place to interact with friends and family. Another great way to interact with people is to comment of their posts, pictures, videos blogs and website, right? You will see many website and blog uses Google comment system. Now, if you want to comment on their website you have no choice but to comment as a Google plus personal profile. What if you can comment using your Google plus page. You can give any name to your page and comment.

Google Analytics is developed and designed by Google to track, monitor website and blogs. If you own a website or a web master, you must install or add Google analytics. It is free and you can create an Google analytics account using Gmail. By adding Google analytics to your website you will get whole lot of valuable statistics, Real-Time stats which you can use it for your advantage and boost your web site traffic and earnings.

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used app in the world. Millions of user around the word wanted to use or access WhatsApp in their laptops and PC. Now it’s possible. You can use WhatsApp through web browser without using any Android Simulator or Software.   You can send receive messages, download and upload pictures and videos using web browser.